John Ferris said he enjoyed the job and said it was a privilege to work with all the residents and staff. Ceremonial Matters Oath of office was given to council members Carolyn Smith and to Philip Zietlow, as well as to the mayor, John Ferris. Moved by Ann Thies, seconded by Jim Johnson, to approve the minutes as presented. 1- Change references to Willow Road to Willow Drive 2-, item 9 it should be northeast instead of northwest 3-, the motion should state “alternate minimum lot size”. Approval of the Minutes from DecemThere were three corrections. Approval of the Minutes from NovemRegular City Council Meeting Moved by Ann Thies, seconded by John Hamilton to approve the minutes as presented. Moved by Jim Johnson, seconded by Ann Thies, to approve the agenda as amended. Also present: Police Chief Ed Belland, Attorney Ron Batty, Public Works Director Jim Dillman, City Engineer Glenn Cook, Planning and Zoning Administrator Loren Kohnen, and City ClerkTreasurer Paul Robinson. Members present: Ferris, Hamilton, Johnson, Smith, Thies, and Zietlow (Thies through approval of the Decemminutes) Members absent: None. MEDINA CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF JANUThe City Council of Medina, Minnesota met in regular session on Januat 7:30 p.m.